Diversity and inclusion (ISO 30415)

Developing an inclusive workplace requires an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I) to address inequalities in organizational systems, policies, processes and practices, as well as people’s conscious and unconscious biases and behaviours.

In today’s increasingly interconnected world, recognizing and leveraging D&I can be critical for organizations seeking to increase innovation, and enhance their resilience, sustainability and reputation. Each organization is different and decision makers need to determine the most appropriate approach for integrating D&I into their strategy and business processes, based on their organizational context. To achieve D&I objectives, organizations need to be brave and committed to actively tackling sensitive issues and addressing non-inclusive behaviours and cultural norms, and unfair and discriminatory organizational practices, whether these are developed by people or associated with technologies.
Fostering a diverse and inclusive organizational culture can enable individuals and teams to thrive and do their best in conditions that enable effective collaboration and participation. Building fairer, more inclusive, socially responsible organizations can help people, regardless of identity, background or circumstance, to access work and develop knowledge, skills and abilities critical to their personal development and well-being.

This standard is relevant to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: (5) Gender Equality; (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth; (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; and (10) Reduced Inequality, and is guided by the principles of human rights at work.[11] Additionally, it is linked to ISO 30408.

This standard supports organizations to embed D&I in their workplaces (see Figure 1) by providing guidance and methods on:
• prerequisites for demonstrating ongoing commitment to D&I;
• accountabilities and responsibilities for D&I;
• approaches to valuing diversity and fostering development of an inclusive workplace; and
• identifying D&I objectives, opportunities and risks, actions, measures, outcomes and impacts.

Figure 1 — Organizational diversity and inclusion

This standard applies to the human resource management life cycle, delivery of products and services, supply chain relationships, and relationships with external stakeholders to ensure equity, fairness and equality. It encourages organizations to use a continual improvement plan, do, check and review approach. It is intended to help organizations achieve D&I objectives, evaluate the impact on people, communities and society, and meet sustainable development goals. It can also support independent and external validation of organizational approaches to embedding D&I in the workplace.