About us
BQV is a new, independent, purely Greek Body of testing, inspections and certifications, recently founded in August 2020, by experienced engineers in this field. BQV is already collaborating with qualified auditors of management systems and products, creating a network of immediate and efficient services of both Greek and the International Market.
The experience of its founding members in installation, implementation and inspection of quality systems begins in 1988 in cement plants applying procedures of British (BSI) and French (AFNOR) standards and continues with the participation in the first successful certifications of quality management systems in Greece in 1994. Today, we are capitalizing on our extensive experience in the wider field of quality both in the secondary (cement, concrete, steel and packaging) and in the tertiary sector (inspections and certifications of systems and products) to better serve business and society’s expectations.
The reliability, independence, objectivity and impartiality of BQV audits, inspections and certifications, are ensured by the continuous satisfaction of the existing legislation, the accreditation criteria and the requirements set by the international standards ISO 17021-1, ISO 17065 and ISO 17020, as well as the regulatory documents set by the National Accreditation System (ESYD S.A.).
The extensive experience of BQV, combined with continuous expansion of its accreditation fields and the dynamic Partnership Program in Greece and abroad, allow her to cover a wide range of certification needs in all sectors (primary, secondary and tertiary) of the economy.