Our policy

BQV is a third-party organization, conducting Audits, Inspections and Certifications.

The aim of BQV is, through the certification services provided, to give confidence to all parties involved.

In order to inspire this trust, it applies the principles of impartiality, technical competence, accountability, transparency, confidentiality and prompt response to complaints.

The principle for the approach of the respective service is the application of the risk assessment methodology.

At the same time BQV has documented and implements a Quality Management System. The Policy and the commitment of the Top Management is the basis for the operation of the QMS and its improvement.

BQV understands the importance of independence, impartiality and integrity in the certification process, manages conflicts of interest and guarantees objectivity during the implementation of certification activities.

To ensure compliance with the principles of impartiality, BQV accepts the following obligations:

  • Provides services to all stakeholders – without discrimination – always meeting the requirements of legislation, regulations and the following international standards:
    • ISO / IEC 17020: Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection
    • ISO / IEC 17021-1: Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 1: Requirements
    • ISO / IEC 17065: Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
  • Is responsible for the impartiality of the Certification activities and prevents any commercial, financial or other pressures, so that the impartiality is not violated.
  • Detects and manages threats against impartiality
  • Ensures the certification process, including the approval of certification decisions, the application of rules and procedures for the performance of services in accordance with the principle of impartiality and non-discriminatory access to certification services.

Top Management, through the General Manager, undertakes all the obligations to ensure impartiality during the certification.

Top management of BQV has set goals and tasks aimed at being a cost-effective, efficient and competitive certification body.
The main quality goal is:
Achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty (apply for certification), while remaining an impartial and reliable partner.

We look forward to this balance through the satisfaction of the following:

  • Implementation and continuous improvement of the Quality Management System implemented by BQV based on the principles and requirements of international standards:
    • ISO / IEC 17020: Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection
    • ISO / IEC 17021-1: Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 1: Requirements
    • ISO / IEC 17065: Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services

, proving that BQV’s work is based on the process approach, to achieve the satisfaction and agreement of all parties interested in the value and recognition of the Certification.

  • Eliminate or minimize potential threats to the impartiality, trust and recognition of certificates issued by BQV. When providing services to customers, the intention of the Certification Body is to avoid conflicts of interest of all interested parties.
  • Budget planning to control and ensure BQV ‘s financial independence
  • Promoting the continuous development of the personnel and strict management of professional ethics.

All BQV personnel is responsible for enforcing all rules and requirements for the quality of certification services provided and undertake the following obligations:

  • Full compliance with accreditation criteria and requirements for accredited bodies
  • Personal acquaintance with the Quality Manual and guidance of their activities by the established quality policy


Recognizing the importance of non-discriminatory access to certification services, BQV accepts the following obligations:

  • Manages non-discriminatory access to conformity assessment services by identifying sources of potential bias and preventing potential threats of discrimination from self-interest, prejudice and rivalry.
  • Implements protection measures against the occurrence of threats of discrimination, familiarizing its personnel with this Policy, constantly improving its qualifications, rewarding it for excellent work, creating comfortable working conditions, establishing decent wages, etc.
  • Constantly monitors certification procedures
  • Does not allow the existence of illegal financial transactions or other conditions
  • Ensures the availability of its services to all applicants whose activities fall within its scope of accreditation.
  • Does not create barriers to applicants’ access to conformity assessment services

All of us at BQV are committed to the total quality of the services provided, the protection of the health and safety of our personnel, as well as the protection of the environment.

This Policy is mandatory for all BQV personnel.

General Manager
J. Κarayannis

Athens, 01 August 2020