Verification of an Organization’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ISO 14064 1)

The verification of an organization’s greenhouse gas emissions and removals inventory is an evaluation process based on historical data and information provided by each applicant Organization, in order to determine whether this statement is substantially correct and complies with specific criteria (e.g. standards, legislative requirements, target achievement commitments, etc.).

The Agency’s statement may take the form of a report or report or similar text and relate to data relevant to an Organizations’ greenhouse gas inventory. The format and content of the report shall depend on the minimum required information referred to in the standards that the Agency chooses to follow, without limiting itself to adding additional data on greenhouse gases and how it will present them. The most well-known standards for verifying an organization’s emissions and removals inventory are:

1. ISO 14064-1, Greenhouse Gases — Part 1: Specifications with organization-wide guidance for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
2. GHG protocol, Corporate Calculation and Reporting Standard (and its sub-standards, as specified in certain economic sectors)

The verification of greenhouse gas emission and removals reports an organization is carried out for:

1. The promotion and harmonization with environmental mechanisms, policies and commitments established through protocols, agreements and/or legislation at international, European or national level.
2. The commitment to people and the environment to improve environmental performance and participate in processes to reduce the burden of climate change on the planet.
3. Achieving a comparison of environmental performance with other organizations in the industry.
4. The provision of environmental information confirmed by an independent third party to shareholders, licensing bodies or other social partners.
5. Encouraging participation and creating a culture of environmental awareness.

BQV, as an accredited Validation / Verification Body with ISO 17029 / ISO 14065 standards by ESYD and through its competent and experienced staff, ensures that the appropriate inspection and verification techniques will be applied on a case-by-case basis, providing impartial, independent and in the most professional way.

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